I happen to come across all of this stuff in someones trash (two diff houses)....and figured I could use it...or at least try to use it for my rain harvesting system! :D
Sign up for UPromise FREE and use your regular spending to get a % towards student loans! Or sign up and help me pay off mine for free! You simply link your credit/debit cards to the loan you want to pay off and a percentage of your spending goes towards the debt!
8-08-07 1. Increase monthly income by $500.00: Got a second job 2. New vehicle: a '99 GMC Jimmy 3. Pay off compUSA card: focused on this card and made more than one payment a month! 4. Transfer CC debt to %0 cards and pay them off asap! 5.Make decent (at least $50 a mth) money online! 6.Finish working on Layers (my poetry book) 7. Reach 35 preordered books and buy ISBN for Layers
Pink = in progress! Red = current unmet goal Green = a goal reached! Yellow = How or what