I was headed somewhere today and spotted a Dollar General...so I thought...Ill stop there and see what they might have for cheap that I could use for the rain barrel! To my surprise they had just about everything I needed...I like to shop around so I didn't buy anything yet! I am also using www.FreeCycle.org (more info on that in a post to come!) to try and see what supplies people have that they will give me! Here is what I found! (gotta love a camera phone!!!:) )
TWO DIFFERENT LENGTH HOSES...I still need to measure to see what I need.

A 34 GALLON TRASH CAN.... I think this will be a good substitute for ones you find online that costs about $60 at cheapest. This one was only $25!

A WATERING CAN...this is if I wanted to just put a spout on the barrel and transport the water from the barrel to the garden using a watering can. I plan on attaching a hose and using gravity to get the water to the garden. I am hoping putting the barrel on a stand will be enough gravity to get the job done!

so far the cost to do project with out stand would be:
$25 - trash can
$8 - 50 ft hose
$1.50- water can
more items to add:
-stand (bricks, cinder blocks, table??)
-netting to keep bugs out of water
-funnel (if i choose to catch the water this way and direct it to the barrel in a more discreet location)
I will continue to post more of my experiment as it happens:D Please comment if you have any tips or if you are interested in learning something specific about my project...I will do research for you and post a reply!
Thanks for being a faithful reader!