These are images from home depots website. It is a 12x24 building....it is close to 300 sq. ft. Yes...its small. But if it was only for me and I OWNED it and it helped me get out of debt! I could live there as long as it takes! I could seperate it into 2 rooms...one 12x12 living room and one 12x12 bedroom...which is a good size for both...totally doable:) I have thought about making an addition to the barn for a bathroom or....i could make one that is accessible from the bedroom as well as the living room area. this would take space away from the bed room...but it would still be fine. I would put a loft in the bedroom or a loft bed...and use that to make room for a desk under the loft. I plan to draw it to scale in photo shop:) and put it on here!
One of the things I really don't have a clue about is the plumbing and electrical! I can put a window unit in for the a/c....but thats all I have figure out! So I still have lots of research to do! But if I ever get a piece of land...I could finally have my shoe box to live in that I own! :D man that would be amazing....to just own something!
I am not just a brainstormer...I also am getting a second and maybe a third job to try and make and save more money! I am not eating out now except MAYBE on Sundays after church. I have a budget sheet and once I have a steady income amount I can really start to put a dent in my debt! Any tips?:)
Be sure to check back for updates on my Shed to house conversion!
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