Because I met my goal of raising my monthly income I was able to buy a newer vehicle. I got a 1999 GMC Jimmy...and so far....I'm Loving it! I have to travel for work and this is a big improvement from my old faithful ('92 Galant). My old car served me well but it was time to move on!
I was also able to pay off my CompUSA credit card! woohoo! Because of my monthly increase I was able to pay on my card more than once a month. I focused on this credit card first because its interest rate was high and I was able to transfer my other credit cards to a %0 credit card. Now that I have paid this card off I plan on just putting the money I would have put towards my CompUSA card...towards my current debt! This way...I will not add that money back into my budget and I will pay my credit cards down faster.
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